Tasmanian intersex advocates have joined the outcry against Senator Claire Chandler’s “Save Women’s Sport Bill” that allows the exclusion of some women from women’s sport.

Tasmanian mother of an intersex child, and Intersex Peer Support Australia Tasmanian board member, Simone-lisa Anderson, said the Bill will allow discrimination against Intersex people.

“Claire Chandler’s Bill seeks to define sex purely in terms of binary sex and then allows for anyone who doesn’t conform to this narrow definition to be discriminated against.”

“Not only does that exclude trans women from playing women’s sport, it also excludes intersex people who have variations in their sex organs, hormones or chromosomes.”

“Whether this is an unintended consequence of the Bill, or a deliberate and cruel way to segregate intersex people, the Bill must be withdrawn.”

“As a parent of someone in the up-to-1.7% of Tasmanians who are intersex, I know how bad the discrimination, stigma and abuse can be without the added burden of being excluded from sport.”

Ms Anderson said it was a sad irony that Senator Chandler’s Bill has hit the headlines in the same week that Tasmanian intersex advocate and Longford chicken breeder, Rob Wilson, was on national TV show, ABC Backroads, telling his personal story of discrimination and stigma.

“I urge Senator Chandler to watch Rob Wilson’s story so she has a better grasp on the deep damage her Bill will cause intersex people.”

Senator Chandler’s Bill amends the Sex Discrimination to…
a) limit the definition to sex to the chromosomal, hormonal, gonadal and anatomical characteristics traditionally associated with binary biological sex, and
b) allow discrimination in sport, and potentially services, against women not born with those specific sex characteristics.

The Bill has been criticised because…

  • it excludes trans, gender diverse and intersex people from sport- it potentially excludes them from sex-specific services
  • it is unnecessary because there are already provisions which allow discrimination where strength, stamina and physique is relevant
  • it allows discrimination against children under the age of 12 for the first time
  • there is no discernible push from sporting organisations for the legislation
  • many grassroots sporting bodies have adopted inclusive policies to the benefit of all players

A relevant media release from Intersex Human Rights Australia can be found herehttps://ihra.org.au/39666/pm-scott-morrison-on-sen-claire-chandlers-private-members-bill/

For more information contact Simone-lisa Anderson on 0456 032 088.