Working for the human rights of LGBTQIA+ Tasmanians
since 1988
Equality Tasmania Responds to the Cass Review
Equality Tasmania has responded to the Cass Review of gender health care with the following statement by President, Rowan Richardson: We do not believe the Review is relevant to Tasmania. A similar inquiry is not required here. The Cass Review does not diminish the case for urgent action to end conversion practices.
Read the rest of Rowan’s statement here.
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Equality Tasmania (formerly the Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group) is an advocacy group made up of volunteers, who are specifically pursuing equality for the LGBTIQA+ community in Australia. We have no political affiliations other than actively seeking to gain the support of, and to provide support to, political and public figures who offer to advance LGBTIQA+ rights for all Australians.
Our advocacy work can come with expenses, so we call on LGBTIQA+ community members, along with family, friends and allies, to donate as much or as little as you are able, to help us have the greatest impact possible. We welcome both one-off donations during particular campaigns, and regular monthly donations which allow us to cover ongoing costs such as office rent and Salamanca Market site hire fees.