Our current campaigns

Banning LGBTIQA+ conversion practices

Take action to support an effective ban on conversion legislation in Tasmania here: 

Equality Tasmania campaigns alongside survivors of conversion practices to end these practices in Tasmania. We do this through

–       arranging meetings with decision-makers

–       supporting survivors to advocate and lobby

–       convening fortnightly support groups for survivors

–       reaching out to faith communities

An inquiry by the Tasmanian Law Reform institute has revealed that some Tasmanian churches still conduct conversion practices, while others believe a ban would violate their “religious freedom”.

The Tasmanian Government promised to implement the fundings of this inquiry. But instead it has unveiled a bill that has so many loopholes it will actually encourage conversion practices. Add your name to our Open Letter in support of effective legislation here: https://equalitytasmania.org.au/sign-the-open-letter/

The latest research from La Trobe University shows that one in twenty young LGBTIQA+ Tasmanians have been through formal conversion practices. It also shows these young people are three to four times more likely than other young LGBTIQA+ people to have anxiety, PTSD and to attempt suicide.

Find out more on the campaign page here: 

Stopping the federal Religious Discrimination Bill

Equality Tasmania opposes the proposed Religious Discrimination Bill. The Bill was meant to prohibit discrimination on the ground of religion, but it actually allows discrimination in the name of religion.

Discrimination will be allowed across a range of areas such as health care, workplaces and schools. It will also be allowed against many different groups including people with disability, women seeking health care, unmarried partners, minority faiths and LGBTIQA+ people.

The Bill also directly overrides section 17 of the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Act which is the state’s best law against bullying behaviour.

Take action here: https://equalitynotdiscrimination.org/

Resources for you:

Intersex law reform

Young Tasmanians with variations of innate sex characteristics continue to be subject to unnecessary and damaging medical interventions, including surgery.

In 2020 the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute recommended law reform to bring these practices to an end.

Equality Tasmania is working with intersex Tasmanians to advocate, educate and lobby for change.

See the TLRI report here: https://www.utas.edu.au/law-reform/news-and-events/tlri-news/sex-and-gender-identity-reforms

Advocacy directly to Tasmanian Government departments

Equality Tasmania is represented on all five Tasmanian Government LGBTIQ+ departmental reference groups: police, education, health, justice and the whole-of-government.

On these groups we make a strong and consistent case for government policies and funded programs that will improve the wellbeing of all LGBTIQ+ Tasmanians.

If you would like to be involved in these reference groups, please get in touch via info@equalitytasmania.org.au

Recognition of LGBTIQ+ partners by the Tasmanian Coroner

Equality Tasmania is campaigning for reform of the Tasmanian Coroners Act in response to LGBTIQ+ partners not being considered next-of-kin.

In 2015 the State Coroner refused to recognise Ben Jago as senior next-of-kin to his late partner, Nathan Lunson. This was despite Ben having equal spousal rights, including next-of-kin, under the Tasmanian Relationships Act passed in 2003. 

The Coroner had made a similar decision against a same-sex partner several years earlier and had subsequently promised the Anti-Discrimination Commission it would reform itself. Clearly, it had not. 

When Ben challenged the Coroner’s decision under the Anti-Discrimination Act the Supreme Court found the Coroner is immune to discrimination law.

Equality Tasmania is advocating for reform of the Coroners Act to ensure there is a more transparent process for determining next-of-kin, so that the Coroners Office abides by the Relationships and Anti-Discrimination Acts, and so no more LGBTIQ+ partners are discriminated against.

Ben Jago’s rights not respected:


The Tasmanian Supreme Court refuses to help Ben:


Compensation for LGBTIQ+ people with historical convictions

Equality Tasmania is lobbying for an update of the state’s legislation allowing historical LGBTIQ+ convictions to be expunged.

In 2016 the Tasmanian Govenrment passed legislation allowing for expungement of historical offices under the state’s former laws against male-to-male sex and cross-dressing.

An independent review has found the legislation should be updated to make it easier for expungement applications to be made and appealed, and for financial compensation to be offered to those whose applications are successfull.

The review also recommends the expungement scheme be more widely publicised.

Equality Tasmania is working with members of state parliament to ensure these recommendations are put in place.

A news report here:

Ending hate crime

Equality Tasmania is working with other community organisations to take effective action against hate crime.

This includes ensuring police record prejudice or hate as a motive for harassment and assault, ensuring anti-LGBTIQ+ hate is an aggravating factor in sentencing, and providing support and advocacy for victims of prejudice or hate-motivated attacks.

If you have experienced hate crime email us via info@equalitytasmania.org.au or call 0409 010 668.

Legal rights and discrimination

Equality Tasmania provides support, help and referrals for LGBTIQ+ people seeking more information about their legal rights, or who have experienced discrimination.

Please contact us via info@equalitytasmania.org.au

Historic campaigns

Tasmania has some of the best LGBTIQ+ legal rights and protections in Australia. This includes are gold-standard anti-discrimination, relationships and gender recognition laws.

Equality Tasmania, and its predecessor, the Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group, has played a central role in achieving these reforms.

Before that the TGLRG was central to the long and ultimately successful campaign to decriminalise homosexuality in Tasmania.

For more on Tasmania’s gold-standard laws: