Equality Tasmania has welcomed a new inquiry into discrimination and bullying in Tasmanian schools.

The inquiry was proposed by Independent, Kristie Johnston, and supported by Parliament without dissent.

Equality Tasmania President, Rowan Richardson, said,

“We welcome the inquiry because we regularly receive complaints of discrimination and bullying against LGBTIQA+ students and teachers.”

“This is consistent with recent national research showing school yard bullying is worse in Tasmania than any other state.”

“Although Tasmania has strong laws against discrimination in education, the state clearly has a long way to go before these laws are respected and abided by.”

During debate on the motion, Labor equality spokesperson, Ella Haddad, read out distressing stories of discrimination against LGBTIQA+ Tasmanian teachers and students.

Other supporters of the inquiry include Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Sarah Bolt, the Australian Education Union, Concerned Catholics of Tasmania, Disability Voices Tasmania and A Fairer World.

For more on bullying in Tasmanian schools: https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/australias-worst-state-for-schoolyard-bullying-and-how-we-compare-to-the-world/6dj396brd

For a copy of this statement on the web, click here

For more information contact Rowan Richardson on 0466 847 505 or Rodney Croome on 0409 010 668.


Ahead of Saturday’s state election, Equality Tasmania has released a summary of the LGBTIQA+ commitments from the three main Tasmanian parties (below).

Group spokesperson, Rodney Croome, said,

“All three parties have made commitments to funding for LGBTIQA+ services.”

“They also oppose bans on drag story time and LGBTIQA+ books, and oppose an inquiry into life-saving treatments for young trans and gender diverse people.”

“Labor and the Greens have gone further by committing to an LGBTIQA+ commissioner, financial redress for those convicted under our former anti-LGBTIQA+ laws, an LGBTIQA+ Inclusion Act, an LGBTIQA+ mental health service, better hate crime laws and a ban on unnecessary surgeries on intersex kids.”

“All three parties have an in-principle commitment to banning conversion practices but the Liberal’s bill unveiled last year is so full of exemptions it fails to fulfill that commitment.”

Mr Croome said there are more openly LGBTIQA+ candidates in this state election than ever before.

They include Labor’s Ben Dudman in Lyons, Stuart Benson in Clark and Toby Thorpe in Franklin, the Greens Damien Briggs in Braddon, Lauren Ball in Bass and Jade Darko in Franklin, and independents like Martine Delaney in Franklin.

“Tasmania has not had an openly-LGBTIQA+ state or federal MP since 2021. Hopefully, that drought will end on Saturday.”

A copy of the summary is attached. For responses to Equality Tasmania’s survey from parties and independents go to: https://equalitytasmania.org.au/election2024/

An article about the parties’ commitments is attached. 

For a copy of this statement on the web, click here

For more information contact Rodney Croome on 0409 010 668.


Equality Tasmania and Working It Out have welcomed the Liberal Party’s announcement of $500,000 for LGBTIQA+ services, community grants, policy development and an Action Plan.

The announcement was made yesterday as part of the Party’s Supporting Stronger Communities policy.

Working It Out acting CEO, Andrew Badcock, said,

“We welcome this announcement because the support, education, and advocacy services provided by Working It Out are chronically underfunded.”

“LGBTIQA+ Tasmanians face above average levels of mental ill-health, housing risk and workplace discrimination due to stigma and prejudice.”

“An increase to funding like this will provide greater certainty and capacity to meet demand, and help ensure more state-wide programs remain available for LGBTIQA+ Tasmanians and their families.”

Equality Tasmania spokesperson, Rodney Croome, said,

“It is welcome to see the Liberal Party recognise the need to remove discrimination and stigma against LGBTIQA+ Tasmanians.”

“The funding will help us make the case for improved services by highlighting the many problems ther LGBTIQA+ community continues to face due to discrimination.”

“Through the LGBTIQA+ community grants program, the funding will provide a diverse range of LGBTIQA+ community groups with some of the resources they need to provide support and change attitudes.” 

Both the Labor and Green parties have already promised unprecedented funding boosts for LGBTIQA+ support services, policy-making, education and advocacy, including in areas like mental health.

Their LGBTIQA+ policy commitments, plus those of the Liberal Party, can be found here:


Our statement on Labor’s policy can be found here.

Our statement on the Greens’ policy can be found here.

The Liberal’s funding announcement can be found here: 


For a copy of this statement on the web, click here

For more information contact Andrew Badcock on 0400 884 149 or Rodney Croome on 0409 010 668.


Equality Tasmania says a NSW Government ban on conversion practices, introduced today, highlights flaws in the bill unveiled by the Tasmanian Liberal Government in December. 

Spokesperson, Rodney Croome, said,

“The NSW legislation is a stark contrast to the weak and self-defeating legislation unveiled by the Tasmanian Liberal Government last year.”

“The NSW bill has none of the loopholes of the Tasmanian bill that will allow conversion practices to continue, and unlike the Tasmanian bill the NSW law makes provision for the kind of education programs that help stop those practices.”

“We urge the Liberal Party to redraft its bill in the light of NSW’s legislation, and we urge whichever party that forms government after the March 23rd Tasmanian election to introduce an effective ban as quickly as possible.”

“With other states moving ahead on this reform Tasmania risks becoming a haven for conversion practitioners from interstate.”

Labor and the Greens have both committed to introduce comprehensive legislation based on the expert recommendations of the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute as soon as possible after the election.

For more on the NSW bill: 


The Liberal, Labor and Greens’ responses to Equality Tasmania’s election survey can be found here: 


For a copy of this statement on the web, click here

For more information contact Rodney Croome on 0409 010 668.


Representatives of the LGBTIQA+ community have welcomed Labor’s Plan for LGBTIQA+ Equality unveiled today by equality spokesperson, Ella Haddad.

The Labor plan includes

– a minister for equality

– an effective ban on conversion practices, working with community on a model

– funding for services, support and advocacy, including almost $100,000 per year for Working It Out and $300,000 for Equality Tasmania

– delivery of an LGBTIQA+ Action Plan

– work towards a dedicated LGBTIQA+ health and mental health service

– new protections against hate crime

– financial redress for those who have historical gay and trans criminal convictions expunged

Working It Out CEO, Lynn Jarvis, said,

“We welcome Labor’s plan because it will improve health and welling outcomes for Tasmania’s LGBTIQA+ community.”

“It also builds on the current Liberal Government’s work to develop an LGBTIQA+ Action Plan and Framework and the current Government’s funding for LGBTIQA+ services and advocacy.”

“Having an Equality Minister will also mean advocacy at the highest level for the needs of the LGBTIQA+ community.”

Equality Tasmania spokesperson, Rodney Croome, said,

“This is the most comprehensive LGBTIQA+ election policy Tasmanian Labor has ever presented because it covers law reform, services, representation and setting long-term goals.”

“Labor’s plan for an effective ban on conversion practices, better hate crime laws and financial redress for historic convictions are very welcome, as is its commitment to funding Equality Tasmania so we can advocate for LGBTIQA+ people in need”

“Most Tasmanians want our island to be friendly, open, equitable and inclusive, and it’s heartening to see Labor recognise this aspiration and rise to it.”

The current Liberal Government initiated the development of an LGBTIQA+ Action Plan and Framework after it commissioned the largest-ever survey of the state’s LGBTIQA+ community. It has also provided funding for LGBTIQA+ support, training, services, advocacy and policy development. Last year it unveiled a law about conversion practices but that has been criticised for allowing many conversion practices to continue.  

A copy of Labor’s Plan is attached and can be found here: 


The Tasmanian Greens LGBTIQA+ policy can be found here:


For a copy of this statement on the web, click here

For more information contact Rodney Croome on 0409 010 668 or Lynn Jarvis on 0408 265 045.


Equality Tasmania and Working It Out have welcomed the Tasmanian Greens’ commitment to a raft of LGBTIQA+ reforms and to an effective ban on conversion practices.

The Greens’ policy, unveiled today by Greens’ leader, Dr Rosalie Woodruff, commits to

– an effective ban on conversion practices, fully implementing the recommendations of the TLRI
– implement an LGBTIQA+ Inclusion Act, including a LGBTIQA+ Inclusion Commissioner.
– deliver a dedicated LGBTIQA+ community mental health service, legal service, healthcare centre and Pride Centre

– prohibit medically unnecessary interventions on children with innate variations of sex characteristics.
– increase funding for the LGBTIQA+ Community Fund by $250,000 per year.
– introduce training for all education staff, health care providers, corrections, Service Tasmania, and police and emergency workers in LGBTIQA+ inclusion.
– improve school inclusion by establishing pride groups, developing curriculum materials related to LGBTIQA+ issues, and appointment of LGBTIQA+ inclusion leaders.

Working It Out CEO, Lynn Jarvis, said,

“The health and wellbeing outcomes of LGBTIQA+ Tasmanians are well below the state average so we welcome the Greens’ commitments.”

“Mental health outcomes are particularly poor due to the legacy of historic discrimination and stigma so we welcome Greens’ support for a dedicated mental health service.”

“It’s also pleasing to see the Greens’ commitment to banning medically-unnecessary interventions on children with innate variations of sex characteristics because these interventions can cause long-lasting physical and mental scars.”

Equality Tasmania spokesperson, Rodney Croome, said,

“This is the most comprehensive LGBTIQA+ election policy the Tasmanian Greens have ever presented because it proactively challenges discrimination and fosters inclusion across the law, health care, education, public safety and so many other areas of life.”

“It’s very welcome to see the Greens’ take such a strong stand against conversion practices because these practices are a form of quackery that cause deep harm and can never be justified.”

“The Greens’ policies will ensure Tasmania continues to lead the nation when it comes to inclusion and equity for LGBTIQA+ people.” 

The current Liberal Government initiated the development of an LGBTIQA+ Action Plan and Framework after it commissioned the largest-ever survey of the state’s LGBTIQA+ community. It has also provided funding for LGBTIQA+ support, training, services, advocacy and policy development. Last year it unveiled a law about conversion practices which has been criticised for allowing many conversion practices to continue.  

The Greens’ policy can be found here:


The Labor Opposition’s LGBTIQA+ policy is here: 


For a copy of this statement on the web, click here

For more information contact Rodney Croome on 0409 010 668 or Lynn Jarvis on 0408 265 045.


Equality Tasmania will seek commitments from all parties and independents to an effective ban on conversion practices in the lead up to the state election on March 23rd.

The commitment is one of many being sought in an LGBTIQA+ community survey sent to parties and independents.

Spokesperson, Rodney Croome, said,

“Conversion practices continue to cause deep harm to LGBTIQA+ Tasmania two years after the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute called for them to be banned.”

“Local and national research shows that almost 5% of LGBTIQA+ young people have been through conversion practices in the last two years and that conversion survivors are three to four times more likely than other LGBTIQA+ people to have PTSD and attempt suicide.”

“Prohibiting conversion practices will save lives.”

“We will be seeking commitments from all parties and independents for an urgent and comprehensive ban on conversion practices that goes further than the weak and counterproductive bill put forward by the Government in December.”

Mr Croome said the group will also seek commitments to a range of other reforms and initiatives including
– a ban on medically unnecessary surgeries on children with variations of sex characteristics
– better hate crime protections for LGBTIQA+ people
– a dedicated LGBTIQA+ mental health service
– better health care for trans and gender diverse people
– financial redress for those convicted under the state’s former anti-LGBTIQA+ laws
– protection of Tasmania’s landmark anti-discrimination and gender recognition laws
– funding for the State Government’s LGBTIQA+ Action Plan and Framework
– an LGBTIQA+ Inclusion Act and the appointment of an LGBTIQA+ Commissioner

“We will publish the results of our election survey to better inform the LGBTIQA+ community and our friends and allies about where the parties and independents stand on our issues.”
More on conversion practices in Tasmania here:


Conversion practices still occurring in Tasmania:


Survivors tell their stories:

For a copy of this statement on the web, click here
For more information contact Rodney Croome on 0409 010 668.


Equality Tasmania has launched a new campaign calling on the State Government to scrap its conversion practices bill and draft a new version.

The campaign will dispel myths about a ban on conversion practices and encourage Tasmanians to sign an Open Letter to the Government.

Equality Tasmania spokesperson, Rodney Croome, said,

“The Government’s bill has so many exemptions it will actually encourage conversion practices rather than stop them.”

“Our campaign will reach tens of thousands of Tasmanians with the message that the Government’s bill is worse than useless, needs to be scrapped and a new one written.”

“Given the Government isn’t listening to survivors it’s time to take our message to the people.”

“I encourage everyone who opposes conversion practices to sign the Open Letter and share the videos on our campaign page.”

Survivors of Tasmanian conversion practices, Bronwyn Larkins, said,

“The bill offers more protection to conversion practitioners than to those of us who suffered at their hands.”

“It mocks the great emotional effort we expended telling our personal stories.”

“Tens of thousands of Tasmanians will now have access to my story and the stories of other survivors, which I hope will educate the community about the need for legislation that will actually work.”

Equality Tasmania’s campaign will promote a range of videos on social media in which survivors, doctors, researchers and people of faith explain why conversion practices must be comprehensively banned, not given a green light.

Facts explained by the videos include:

– conversion practices still occur in Tasmania and cause deep harm

– consent cannot be given to conversion practices

– treatment for young trans and gender diverse people will not be affected by effective conversion legislation 

– the State Government has not, as promised, implemented the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute’s recommendations for conversion legislation

The Government’s consultation on its draft bill ends on February 16th.

Campaign page: https://equalitytasmania.org.au/home/endconversion/

Open Letter: https://equalitytasmania.org.au/sign-the-open-letter/

See below for a list of problems with the Government bill.

For this statement on the web, click here

For more information contact Rodney Croome on 0409 010 668 or Bronwyn Larkins on 0011 64 (0)27 214 3209.

Extract from the Open Letter listing problems with the Government bill

  • Adopts a narrow, inaccurate definition of conversion practices that doesn’t address the role of the false, misleading and pseudo-scientific claims that underpin such practices.
  • Defines conversion practices as “a health service”, and says not all are harmful.
  • Exempts conversion practices by anyone who calls themselves a “health care provider”.
  • Exempts “beliefs”, “guidance”, “assistance” and “support” that could include conversion practices. 
  • Exempts conversion practices where there has been “consent”, even though informed consent is not possible due to the fraudulent nature of conversion practices and the life-long conditioning that most people who undergo conversion practices experience.
  • Exempts conversion practices that insist on celibacy for LGBTIQA+ people.
  • Allows the majority of conversion practices to go unchallenged by including all these exemptions.
  • Doesn’t make provision for pro-active investigation or education – the two most important tools for addressing conversion practices.
  • Relies on conversion survivors to make complaints and prove harm rather than government officials
  • Sets the bar for prosecution so high it’s unlikely anyone will ever be held to account.

Christian Schools Wrong on Conversion Law

Equality Tasmania says Christian Schools Australia and Australian Association of Christian Schools are wrong to say conversion legislation is “a solution in search of a problem”.

Spokesperson, Rodney Croome, said,

“National and local research, including research commissioned by the Tasmanian Government, shows that 5% of LGBTIQA+ have been through formal conversion practices.”

“Half of young LGBTIQA+ people who have experienced conversion practices have experienced them in the last twelve months.”

“This should come as no surprise given Tasmanian clergy like Pastor Wes Bredenhof of the Free Reform Church in Launceston have stated publicly they undertake conversion practices.”

Mr Croome also said Christian Schools Australia and Australian Association of Christian Schools are wrong to suggest conversion legislation will constrain or change clinical treatment of young transgender and gender diverse people.

“The Tasmanian Law Reform Institute recommended that conversion legislation not alter existing clinical guidelines for the treatment of young trans and gender diverse people.”

“We support that recommendation.”

Equality Tasmania has panned the Tasmanian Government bill saying that the definition of conversion practices is too narrow, the exemptions are too wide and the penalties almost unenforceable.

“The Government’s draft is worse than useless because it will give a green light to some of the most common and most harmful conversion practices,” Mr Croome said.

For a copy of the Christian Schools’ statement: https://journalists.medianet.com.au/Release/998097/4549969

For a copy of this statement on the web, click here

For more information contact Rodney Croome on 0409 010 668.


“It is really disappointing that after so much heart-felt advocacy by survivors, so much ground-breaking research and so many well-developed recommendations from the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute, the Government has come up with such useless legislation.” – Rodney Croome

Equality Tasmania has again slammed a State Government bill unveiled yesterday that purports to ban conversion practices.

Group spokesperson, Rodney Croome, said,

“After in-depth consideration of the bill and discussions with survivor advocates, it’s clear this bill is irredeemable and should be scrapped.”

“The bill is full of loopholes that allow conversion practices and they harm they inflict to continue.”

For more information on some of these loopholeshttp://tinyurl.com/ddhzfse6

“This is the kind of bill an anti-LGBTIQA+ group like the Australian Christian Lobby would draft.”

“This bill is a far cry from the promise Premier Jeremy Rockliff made to implement the gold-standard recommendations of the Tasmanian Law Reform Institue.”

“It is really disappointing that after so much heart-felt advocacy by survivors, so much ground-breaking research and so many well-developed recommendations from the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute, the Government has come up with such useless legislation.”

“We will use the current consultation period to urge the Government to scrap this bill, listen to the experts and the survivors, and draft something that will do the job.”

For a copy of this statement on the web, click here

For more information contact Rodney Croome on 0409 010 668.