Response from

the Tasmanian Liberals

8 March 2024

Mr Rodney Croome

Equality Tasmania

By Email:

Dear Rodney

Thank you for your questionnaire on behalf of Equality Tasmania. I am pleased to respond on behalf of all Liberal Members and Colleagues. Please note that our 2030 Strong Plan for Community Development has not yet been announced and these answers should be read in conjunction with our policies once made public.

Conversion practices

Do you want to see an end to conversion practices in Tasmania?

Will you enact or vote for a prohibition on conversion practices based on the recommendations of the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute?

Do you believe this should be high priority?

A re-elected majority Liberal Government will progress the Justice Miscellaneous (Conversion Practices) Bill 2024 that my Government released for public consultation in 2023.

Intersex surgeries

Will you enact or vote for a prohibition on medically unnecessary interventions on children with innate variations of sex characteristics based on the recommendations of the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute?

Do you believe this should be a high priority?

Will you support the provision of redress for those who have undergone damaging medically-unnecessary and non-consensual medical interventions?

I am advised that the Department of Health is reviewing the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute’s 2020 report on the Legal Recognition of Sex and Gender, with a view of providing advice on this matter to an incoming Government. A re-elected majority Liberal Government will work collaboratively with community and clinical stakeholders, including the LGBTIQA+ community, to ensure that any law reform proposals are evidence based and reflect best practice.

Hate crime

Will you enact or vote for reform of the Sentencing Act that allows for aggravated sentencing when a crime is motivated by hatred on the basis of a range of attributes including sexual orientation, gender identity and variations of sex characteristics?

I am advised that the Sentencing Advisory Council is reviewing these provisions of the Sentencing Act and will provide advice on whether other factors, such as gender identity and sexual orientation, should be recognised as motivating factors. A re-elected majority Liberal Government will consider any recommendations from the Advisory Council on this matter.

Will you support more resources to enable police to be trained to identify, collect data on and prosecute crime motivated by hate?

Under our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future, a re-elected majority Liberal Government will increase police numbers by a further 60 officers, taking overall police numbers to a record high of 1,521 full time officers. This commitment will support victims of crime, including hate crimes, and hold perpetrators to account.

I am also advised that Tasmanian Police Officers already receive training related to prejudice-related incidents, such as those motivated by race, gender, age of sexual orientation and Tasmanian Police are delivering initiatives that engage with at-risk populations, including the appointment of a LGBTIQA+ Community liaison and an LGBTIQA+ Working Group.

Stalking law reform

Will you support changes to section 192 of the Criminal Code to ensure victims of those crimes can be sure police are empowered to gather evidence and bring charges without having to seek prior consent of the DPP?

A re-elected majority Liberal Government will consider this law reform proposal.

Expungement of historical criminal records

Will you enact or vote for the review’s recommendations to be implemented?

If you indicated support for the recommendations, does this include in-principle support for financial redress for survivors of an amount to be determined by a parliamentary inquiry?

In 2017, the Liberal Government commissioned an independent review of the Expungement of Historical Offences Act 2017 undertaken by Ms Melanie Bartlett and Ms Taya Ketelaar-Jones. The Liberal Government accepted all the recommendations of the review except the proposal to establish an automatic one-off ex-gratia payment for applicants who have their charges and convictions expunged.

I am advised that the proposed financial redress scheme would establish a two-tiered system, distinguishing between applicants who have had charges or offences recorded on their criminal record, and those who have not. We do not want to introduce a complex payment scheme that would have the effect of being discriminatory in its application.

In November 2023, my Government tabled a Bill to amend the Expungement of Historical Offences Act 2017 . A re-elected majority Liberal Government will progress this legislation to ensure the Expungement Scheme continues to operate effectively and appropriately supports affected Tasmanians.

An LGBTIQA+ Inclusion Act

Do you support an LGBTIQA+ Inclusion Act similar to the proposed Disability Inclusion Bill? If unsure, do you support an inquiry into the need for an LGBTIQA+ Inclusion Act?

The Liberals have no current plans to introduce a new Act or hold an inquiry. A re-elected majority Liberal Government will continue to engage with Equality Tasmania on priority items for law reform.

A Human Rights Act

Will you enact or vote for a Tasmanian Human Rights Act in line with the recommendations of the TLRI?


Anti-Discrimination Act

Will you vote against any attempt to remove existing protections for students, staff and clients of faith-based schools and services?

Will you vote against any attempt to weaken or otherwise amend section 17 of the Anti-Discrimination Act, including any attempt to allow intimidation and humiliation etc in the name of religion?

A re-elected majority Liberal Government will not amend the current Anti-Discrimination Act 1998.

Gender recognition laws

Will you vote against any attempt to weaken or otherwise amend Tasmania’s gender identity recognition laws?

A re-elected majority Liberal Government does not propose to introduce any changes to these laws.

Respecting parental rights and opposing censorship

Will you respect parental choice and freedom, and oppose censorship, by allowing schools and libraries to include age-appropriate LGBTIQA+ books in their collection?

The Liberals support parental choice and freedom. I am advised that Libraries Tasmania purchase and acquires materials that have been reviewed and authorised for general public access by the Australian Classification Board and all materials within libraries are managed to comply with legal requirements under the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Act 1995. Libraries allocate books, based on their classification to appropriate areas and parents and carers are responsible for supervising the reading and viewing activities of their children.

Will you respect parental choice and freedom, and oppose censorship, by not speaking out against age-appropriate drag story time?

The Liberals support parental choice and freedom. I am advised that to attend Drag Queen Story Time families needed to book and it was made clear on the booking form that attendance was an informed choice.

Government LGBTIQA+ Framework and Action Plan

Do you give in-principle support for the development and implementation of an Action Plan and Framework with appropriate funding based on the Telling Us the Story Report?

Our 2030 Strong Plan for Community Development has not yet been announced and these answers should be read in conjunction with our policies once made public.

Mental Health

Do you support a dedicated Tasmanian LGBTIQA+ mental health service?

The Liberals are committed to enhancing mental health and wellbeing within the LGBTIQA+

community. This is why my Government:

• Engaged a consultant to develop a concept model for an LGBTIQA+ specific mental health


• Supported the establishment of LGBTIQA+ peer navigators in Working It Out.

• Embedded LGBTIQA+ inclusive practice online training modules in Tasmanian Government

health services. Almost 2,000 participants have completed the modules to date.

• Commenced planning to implement an auditing tool to assess and demonstrate how

Department of Health services meet LGBTIQA+ needs.

A re-elected majority Liberal Government will continue to work with Equality Tasmania to enhance mental health services for the LGBTIQA+ community.

Service delivery and policy-making

Do you commit to maintaining funding that will enable statewide service delivery by Working It Out?

Our 2030 Strong Plan for Community Development has not yet been released. This response should be read in conjunction with our Community Development policy once announced.

Community fund

Do you support the LGBTIQA+ community fund?

Our 2030 Strong Plan for Community Development has not yet been released. This response should be read in conjunction with our Community Development policy once announced.

Housing and substance abuse strategies

Will you support LGBTIQA+ people being a priority group in Tasmania’s housing strategies?

My Government’s landmark 20-year Tasmanian Housing Strategy and four year Action Plan,

recognises the housing needs of a range of groups, including the LGBTIQA+ community, and

addresses this through a range of initiatives across the housing system.

Will you support LGBTIQA+ people being a priority group in Tasmania’s substance abuse strategies?

My Government’s Tasmanian Drug Strategy, which is set for release this year, recognises that some population groups, such as members of the LGBTIQA+ community, may experience greater rates of trauma, stigma and/or discrimination, isolation, and other factors that can influence alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs use, and increase levels of risks and harms. A re-elected majority Liberal Government will implement targeted actions identified under the Strategy for identified priority population groups, including the LGBTIQA+ community.

Trans and gender diverse health care

Do you support increased funding for the Sexual Health Service to meet demand and reduce wait times, as well as ongoing professional development for healthcare providers working with the trans and gender diverse community?

I am advised that the Department of Health already delivers the statewide sexual health services and the Tasmania Gender Service (TGS) to support a LGBTIQA+ inclusive healthcare system. This is in addition to providing funding to several community-based organisations to deliver services that support the LGBTIQA+ community, including Working It Out, Tasmanian Council on AIDS, Hepatitis, and Related Diseases, and Women’s Health Tasmania.

Do you support a dedicated, multidisciplinary, LGBTIQA+ health care centre? If not, do you support a needs analysis to determine if such a service is required?

I am advised that the Department of Health is undertaking various activities to deliver inclusive health

services, including:

• The Department’s LGBTIQA+ reference group which is co-chaired by the Secretary of Health

and a member of the LGBTIQA+ community.

• Launching the LGBTIQA+ Inclusive Healthcare resources in December 2021 designed

collaboratively with members of the Tasmanian LGBTIQA+ community,

• Delivering statewide sexual health services as well as the Tasmania Gender Service (TGS) to support a LGBTIQA+ inclusive healthcare system.

• Development of Gender Ward Accommodation protocols with the hospitals which will support inclusive healthcare.

• Funding several community-based organisations to deliver services that support the

LGBTIQA+ community, including Working It Out, Tasmanian Council on AIDS, Hepatitis, and

Related Diseases, and Women’s Health Tasmania.

• Providing grants under Healthy Tasmania, to groups supporting the LGBTIQA+ community.

Will you oppose an inquiry into health care for young trans and gender diverse people?

Yes. A re-elected majority Liberal Government will continue to work directly with the health

professionals and the LGBTIQA+ community on this issue.

LGBTIQA+ Legal service

Do you support a dedicated LGBTIQA+ legal service? If not, do you support a needs analysis to determine if such a service is required?

A re-elected majority Liberal Government will support a needs analysis in line with our Tasmanian Legal Assistance Strategy 2022-25.

Government, parliament and the LGBTIQA+ community

Do you support funding to ensure all school staff, health staff, police and emergency services staff, prison staff and Service Tasmania staff have professional development in the issues facing LGBTIQA+ Tasmanians?

This is a matter for Heads of Agencies.

Consultation and representation

Do you support the appointment of an equality minister in the State Government?

A re-elected majority Liberal Government will continue to have a Minister who is dedicated to Community Development, who will support Tasmanians from all walks of life, including those from multicultural backgrounds, the LGBTIQA+ community, seniors, volunteers, our neighbourhood houses, young people, women and men’s sheds.

Do you support the appointment of an LGBTIQA+ Commissioner?


Do you support the establishment of a Parliamentary LGBTIQA+ Friendship Group?

This is a matter for individual Members of Parliament.

Do you support a Tasmanian + Staff Pride Network across the public sector?

This is a matter for Heads of Agencies.

Thank you again for the opportunity to respond to these important questions. For more on our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future please visit

Yours sincerely

Jeremy Rockliff MP
